Extracting the Release Files

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Extracting the Release Files

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After copying the PAK file to your NonStop Server, perform the following steps at a TACL prompt. Note that you should substitute the correct PAK file name for your system architecture (SOAPPAKR for TNS/R or SOAPPAKE for TNS/E).:


1. If you are upgrading an existing installation of SOAP/AM, stop any SOAPAM processes running from the current subvolume. You should also backup the contents of the existing subvolume.




2. Extract the release files from the PAK file:


> UNPAK PAKFILE, (*.*.*), VOL $volume.subvolume, MYID, LISTALL


where $volume.subvolume specifies the location to store the extracted files. Because the self-extractor uses the Guardian RESTORE utility, you must have "execute" permission for that program.


3. You may delete the PAKFILE file at this time if you wish.