Using the VFS Manager (VFSMGR) Utility

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Using the VFS Manager (VFSMGR) Utility

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The VFSMGR utility is used to perform a subset of the VFS management tasks that are normally done from the browser based management interface. The utility allows the operator to:


Create a new VFS or upgrade an existing VFS.

Create and delete users and set user passwords and group membership.

Create and delete groups.

Create and delete folders and set folder access permissions.

Copy folders and their contents to and from a VFS image file.

Copy individual files to and from the Enscribe file system.

Check the consistency of the VFS file set.


Since VFSMGR does not require exclusive access to the VFS, you need not stop the SOAP/AM Server process in order to use the utility.


The VFSMGR utility is run from the TACL command line.


> RUN VFSMGR / run-options / [ command-line-options ]


Information Icon In order to use the VFSMGR utility you must be logged-on as a user with sufficient privileges to access the files in the VFS subvolume. Note that the VFSMGR utility accesses the VFS as if it were the SOAP/AM Server 'Administrator' user. It is possible to damage or destroy the VFS if the utility is not used correctly. You should always have a current backup before modifying an existing VFS with this utility.


The standard TACL run options.




Reads commands from <command-file>. At most, one command file may be specified. The file itself cannot contain an '@' option (i.e., no nesting).


-check [ fix ]


Checks the internal consistency of a VFS. If the fix keyword is specified then any problems found with the VFS will be corrected.




When files are deleted from the VFS using the web folder (WEBDAV) interface, the files are only marked for deletion. The file data records are physically deleted from the VFS00 & VFS01 files over time by a housekeeping process within SOAP/AM Server. This option will cause the VFS00 & VFS01 data records to be immediately deleted by VFSMGR.


-create folder <folder name> [ buildpath ]


Creates the specified folder. If the buildpath keyword is not specified and the path to the new folder does not exist then the operation will fail. If the buildpath keyword is specified then the full path specified will be created.


-create group <groupname> [ <description> ]


Creates the group <groupname> with the specified description.


-create user <username> <password> [ <description> ]


Creates the user <username> with the specified <password> and user <description>. If the # character is supplied for <password>, the operator is prompted for the password string. After adding a user the operator should use the -setgroup command to add the user to the desired groups.


-delete file <filename>


Deletes the file <filename>.


-delete folder <folder> [ subfolders ]


Deletes <folder>. Specifying the subfolders keyword cause <folder> and all of its subfolders to be deleted. If the folder has subfolders and the subfolders keyword is omitted, the operation will fail.


-delete group <groupname>


Deletes the group <groupname>.


-delete user <username>


Deletes the user <username>. Note that the users 'Administrator' and 'Anonymous' cannot be deleted.


-get file <vfs file> <Enscribe file> [!] [ binary ]


Copies the contents of <vfs file> from the VFS to the Enscribe file <Enscribe file>. By default, the file is stored as en Edit file (code 101). If the ! keyword is specified and the <Enscribe file> exists, it is replaced. If the binary keyword is specified then the file will be stored as a binary stream file (code 180).


-get folder <folder> <image file> [ ! ] [ subfolders ]


Copies the contents of <folder> into <image file>. If the ! keyword is specified and the <image file> exists, the file will be replaced.


-groups <username> <add | remove>  < * | <groupname list> >


Adds or removes <username> from a group or groups. If the * keyword is specified all groups are assumed. Otherwise, a single group or a list of space separated group names must be specified.




Displays documentation for the program command line options.


-info < user | group | folder > <item name>


Displays information about the specified item.


-license < clear | set <license key>  >


Clears or sets the license key stored in the VFS.


-list < users | groups >


Displays a list of currently configured users or groups.


-logclean <age> < copy <subvol> | move <subvol> | purge > [ dry-run ]

Copies, moves, or purges HTTP log files in the VFS folder /logs/http that are <age> days old or older. If 'copy' is specified, the logs are copied to the specified subvol. If 'move' is specified, the logs are copied to the specified subvol and then purged from the VFS. If 'purge' is specifed, the logs are purged from the VFS. Note the if any logs are purged, a VFS 'clean' operation is performed. If 'dry-run' is specified, command operation is simulated. Command output is displayed but no actual copy, move, or purge operations are performed.


-permissions <folder> < clear | < user | group > >  <user/group name> < [ R ]  [ W ]  [ E ]  [ B ] | clear >


Sets or clears permissions on <folder>. If the clear keyword is specified then all permissions are cleared from <folder> and the folder inherits permissions from its parent folder. If the group or user keyword is specified then the specified group or user is granted access to the folder according to the specified permissions mask. If clear is specified as the permissions mask then all permissions for the user or group are removed.


-put file <Enscribe file> <vfs file>  [ ! ]


Copies the contents of Enscribe file <Enscribe file> to the VFS file <vfs file>. If the ! keyword is specified and <vfs file> exists, the file will be replaced. This command can only copy Enscribe edit (type 101) or binary stream (type 180) files.


-put folder <image file> <folder> [ ! ]  [ listonly ]


Copies the contents of <image file> into <folder>. If the ! keyword is specified, then any existing files or folders will be replaced. If the listonly keyword is specified then the contents of the image file is listed but the files are not copied to the VFS.


-password <username> <password>


Sets the password for the user <username>.  If the '#' character is supplied for <password>, the operator is prompted for the password.


-setup [ <vfs subvolume > [ <vfs image file> ] ]


Creates or updates the VFS in the specified <vfs subvolume> and updates the VFS with the content from the <vfs image file>. If <vfs subvolume> is omitted then the current subvolume is assumed. If the <vfs image file> is omitted, the file "VFSIMAGE" in the VFSMGR program subvolume is used. This command will prompt the operator for confirmation before performing the action. In the case of an update, all customer created content is preserved.


-vfs <vfs subvolume>


Specifies the vfs subvolume to be used for this session. If not specified the current subvolume is assumed.



Create a folder.


> run vfsmgr -create folder /myfolder


Create a user


> run vfsmgr -create user jdoe mypassword John Doe


Add the new user to the developers group


> run vfsmgr -groups jdoe add developers


Give the new user full permissions to /myfolder


> run vfsmgr -permissions /myfolder user jdoe rweb


Transfer /myfolder from one VFS to another.


> run vfsmgr -vfs $system.vfsone -get folder /myfolder image subfolders

> run vfsmgr -vfs $system.vfstwo -put folder image / !


Remove permissions for user jdoe from /myfolder


> run vfsmgr -permissions /myfolder user jdoe clear


Remove user jdoe from the developers group


> run vfsmgr -groups remove jdoe developers


Delete user jdoe


> run vfsmgr -delete user jdoe


Delete /myfolder and its contents


> run vfsmgr -delete folder /myfolder subfolders